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Stark Exterminators Blog


June 21, 2022

Bingeable Bug-casts: 6 Entomology-Focused Podcasts

Can’t get enough bug-related fun facts, or are you simply interested in learning more about the world these tiny creatures live in? Then these podcasts about fascinating insects might be just what you’re looking for. Whether you’re in the car, washing the dishes, or going for a bike ride, you can listen to buggy experts talk about all things insects.

Here are six of the best entomology-focused podcasts to binge.

1. Arthro-Pod

Learn about the weird and wonderful world of insects with Arthro-Pod, an educational entomological entertainment podcast. Hosted by Jonathan LarsonJody Green, and Dr. Michael Skvarla, this trio of entomologists and insect enthusiasts cover various buggy topics, from inviting guest bug experts to speak about dealing with invasive beetles and spiders, to fun discussions about college arthropod mascots.

You can find Artho-Pod on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

2. Lil Dudes Insect Academy

Perfect for younger children with an interest in insects, Lil Dudes Insect Academy is a fun, educational podcast hosted by Bradon Coy. Currently 16 years old, Coy interviews real deal entomologists from all over the world where they discuss all things bugs.

Listen to Lil Dudes Insect Academy on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

3. Living Beeing

What's the buzz about bees? Find out with Living Beeing, a podcast series dedicated to teaching listeners about bees. The hosts of this podcast interview many people who’re passionate about bees, from entomologists to botanists, scientists, beekeepers, honey experts, and historians.

This podcast is accessible to listeners of all ages as a non-technical, entertaining, and informative adventure.

Check out Living Beeing on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

4. Bug Talk

Created by the Department of Entomology at Michigan State University, Bug Talk is a podcast with multiple co-hosts made of students, faculty, and staff. You can expect to hear conversations with guest entomologists and scientists to learn more about their lives, what inspires them, and what interests them outside of work.

Listen to Bug Talk on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

5. InsectView

Hosted by siblings and aspiring entomologists Dante and Mia Centuori, get a closer look at the sometimes annoying but always entertaining life of bugs with InsectView. Sit back, relax, and enjoy as this series covers insect-related topics, from specific species to fascinating stories.

You can find InsectView on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

6. Lovin’ Learnin’ About Bugs

Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring world of insects, arachnids, true bugs, crustaceans, and anything else you may call a bug with Lovin' Learnin' About Bugs. With their most recent podcast titled Alien Mind Controlled Snails, these hosts have no shortage of entertaining conversations to listen and learn from.

Check out Lovin’ Learnin’ About Bugs on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Leave the Bug Wrangling to Us

Have a problem with an unknown bug you haven’t learned about yet? Give Stark Exterminators a call today if you need expert help getting rid of your pest problem.